Living With Your Own ideas¶
How many times do we encounter care and love in a day?¶
For a day I tried to record all the times I saw, felt, experienced care and love. When I had that fuzzy feeling (I wish love was that easy to explain) I took out my phone and snapped a 2 second video in an attempt to record it.
Going in to the experiment I assumed:
That I would definitely know love and care when I saw it
By the end of the day, I would feel really content with what I encountered
(TBH I really didn’t think too much about what I would be seeing)
I started the experiment and recorded the things in the morning I do to take care of myself and my roommate (because self-care). I dressed in all clothes that made me feel loved - things that were given to me from friends and family. Then once ready, I set out to be a LOVE DETECTIVE!
OK so let’s just say, being a love detective is ROUGH! There is a lot of ugly and neglect out there, especially in the tourist areas where I unfortunately started my day. It was so rough that I began doing the opposite - recording all the moments of neglect.
video to be added soon¶
Actually, all the things I saw became a little overwhelming - to the point I was feeling quite negative or melancholy by the end of the day. That was until I sat down and looked at all videos, because it turned out that I actually recorded more moments of love and care than I moments of neglect!
When I went to compile the video, I found that it greatly boosted my mood! I saw so many small moments of joy throughout the day - yet I let the negative take most of my mindspace. That in itself says a lot about the impact of neglect, I think it has great ability to overshadow our ability to see love.
BUT after the experiment this is generally what I learned:
I do not have a firm grasp on how I define love and care for myself
Care is a very subjective thing - what I might think is caring, might be really harmful for others
Many systems exist in a paradox of care. For example, the metro was created for the people of a city to easily get around BUT many entrances to metros are not wheelchair accessible
Most instances of care I recorded were between people - but I didn’t know if what I was actually capturing was care